PsL Monthly 1999 June
PSL Volume 7 Number 6.iso
Text File
64 lines
Why You Need a Strong Vocabulary.
Hey guess what? People over Twenty Five don't normally add to
their vocabulary. People over Forty don't normally want to learn
anything new.
I suppose this is why people get "set in their ways". Most people,
once they attain middle age, don't want to learn anything new, and
they are content to go through life thinking everything is just
hunky dory!
This is a false assumption. We live in a fast paced society, and
if you don't keep up with the times, you are out the door!
Especially with all the downsizing going on.
Being a human, we have almost unlimited learning and memory capacity.
We just must exercise it like we would exercise a muscle for it to
Nobody likes to feel dumb, but I sure felt dumb when someone would
be talking and use a word I never heard of. Now the shoe is on
the other foot. Now I am a sage at vocabulary and don't feel
inferior anymore. Now I can take IQ tests and score very high marks
because of vocabulary building. See, not many people are born smart,
but tons of people develop intelligence. This is called artificial
intelligence. It is what is measured in an IQ test. So see, everything
about the vocabulary trainer is a positive benefit. There is no place
to go but up.
Competition for career advancement and college entrance is tough today.
Research facts show that strong writing and communication skills make
the difference in sink or swim situations! Having a strong vocabulary
is the main indicator of intelligence, abilities, as well as a reliable
predictor of successfulness in work or school.
Ponder this situation for a moment. Say you lose your job and you
are interviewing for another job. It is down to you and one other
person. The interviewer must make a decision as to which person
to hire. You both are qualified, and either of you would be suitable
to perform the job's duties. Here your only edge would be personality
or some other way to impress the interviewer.
Speaking in an eloquent manner with a polished vocabulary would sway
the decision your way. Don't over do it, smothering them with words,
but practice speaking more eloquently to yourself and to others. Then
when the time to impress presents itself, you will be well versed
in eloquent speaking. You will promote a wonderful impression and
everyone will think you are very intelligent. And guess what? You
will be!
Having a strong vocabulary also places you upon another plateau of
intelligence. Henceforth you will enjoy another dimension of life.
Now you will pick up a book authored by an eloquent writer, and really
enjoy reading their book. It is like going to a fine restaurant and
enjoying fine dining. The remainder of your life will be rewarded
with more resources to enjoy this world with.
I leave you with this.
"Education is never a waste of time. It is not expensive, it is
priceless! Nobody can ever strip you of your education, it is
yours. The things you learn accumulate to heighten your intelligence.
The higher your intelligence, the higher your self confidence,
the more your enjoyment of life, the more happy you are. There is
no down side to learning."